Martha HIGH Concerts in Paris 5 & 6 (+ 15 & 16) Dec

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Martha HIGH Concerts in Paris 5 & 6 (+ 15 & 16) Dec

Messagepar JoeKelley » 19/11/06 15:13

Hi FunkHomers

Just received this news from Martha High, famed singer with James Brown and Maceo Parker:

Hello friends,

I will be performing in Paris,Fr. Starting the first week-end in Dec 5th. & 6th; Friday and Saturday's of each week. through the 15th. &16th.
At : Quai Du Blues Supper Club ,17 Bouhot, Nueilly .
Reservations: 011-33-1-46 24 20 00 for Dinner and or show
Two shows per night 10:00 p.m. and 12:00a.m.
also performing : Blues Guitarist, Vasti Jackson from New Orleans

I would love to see my friends there if at all possible . We are planning to have a "Funky Blues Time". So come on out, we're gonna leave the light on for yah ! Tell your friend's to join us too!

For more info., go to

Very "Happy Holiday Greetings" to all and a "Prosperous New Year" !

Much Love & Happiness,

Always , Martha High
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Messagepar Dj-Groover » 19/11/06 17:23

Thanx for this good news !

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