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Ms Admynamite
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Important : To valid your MEMBERSHIP ACCOUNT !

Messagepar Funkygirl » 21/09/04 16:58

It seems that some of you understand enough French to try to get registered here and we are happy about that :lol:

Just some information to help you out...

Nom d'utilisateur means Nickname
Mot de Passe = Password

When your name appears in white :arrow: You're not registered (I don't know for the moment what you may have missed in the process).
When your name is orange :arrow: You're registered, like you should, and you're a member of this forum...

After registering, I advise you to reconnect (and select "Se connecter automatiquement à chaque visite" to join us directly for your next visit) so that your inscription will be valid each and every time you connect, which means your name will always appear in orange...

If you don't do that your name will still appear in white which means you're like a guest here, not a member of the forum...

For any extra help needed, you can always send me a PM (Private Message :cool: )

A few other words you may need just in case :
Rechercher = Search
Liste des Membres = Members' List
Vous n'avez pas de nouveaux messages = You don't have new message

This was French Lesson number 1 :wink:
Modifié en dernier par Funkygirl le 19/11/06 11:19, modifié 2 fois.
Funkygirl ==> I'm a White Free Passionated Funkateer and I'm Proud !

Funkhome - The Funk & Groovy musics Forum
"Funkhome-Le forum de référence, souvent copié, jamais égalé" :cool: Jam & Lewis

Wil Harris

Please link my site. I'm a P-Funk Family Guitarist

Messagepar Wil Harris » 22/09/04 03:20

Funky Girl post my site please. I don't understand French so please help if you can. Wil Harris. PEACE!

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Stand Convention
Messages : 2817
Enregistré le : 17/09/04 20:40
Localisation : Grenobeule internachonaul

Messagepar Peeeeeee » 22/09/04 07:07

Is the link working for you? :???:
Rien ne sert de courir, non, ca ne sert a rien!

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Ms Admynamite
Messages : 29480
Enregistré le : 27/08/04 19:19
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Re: Please link my site. I'm a P-Funk Family Guitarist

Messagepar Funkygirl » 22/09/04 08:18

Wil Harris a écrit : Funky Girl post my site please. I don't understand French so please help if you can. Wil Harris. PEACE!

The link is already in a post Will : ... highlight=

But it seems that it doesn't work :arrow: Are you sure it's the good one :?:
Funkygirl ==> I'm a White Free Passionated Funkateer and I'm Proud !

Funkhome - The Funk & Groovy musics Forum
"Funkhome-Le forum de référence, souvent copié, jamais égalé" :cool: Jam & Lewis


Hi funky Girl, Wil Harris here I need your url address.

Messagepar Invité » 24/09/04 03:20

Hi funkygirl Wil Harris here. Thank you for posting my site! I would like to give your site a link from mine. However, I can't figure out your address. I've tried the following addresses: & but It will not go to your page. Please email me the correct url address and I will link your site from mine immediately. PEACE LOVE & UNITY!

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Ms Admynamite
Messages : 29480
Enregistré le : 27/08/04 19:19
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Messagepar Funkygirl » 21/11/06 13:09

I Lock it cause TOO MUCH SPAM ON THIS TOPIC... Create a new subject if you need help on this one...
Funkygirl ==> I'm a White Free Passionated Funkateer and I'm Proud !

Funkhome - The Funk & Groovy musics Forum
"Funkhome-Le forum de référence, souvent copié, jamais égalé" :cool: Jam & Lewis

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