John BLACKWELL Project

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Gi Dussault
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John BLACKWELL Project

Messagepar Gi Dussault » 12/12/04 19:14

Event: 4 Ever In Our Hearts: A Tribute To Jia Kennie Blackwell
Date/Time: Saturday Dec. 11th, 2004 8:15pm-11:15pm EST
Venue: Berklee Performance Center in Boston, Massachusetts

John Blackwell told me earlier this week that the Jia Kennie Blackwell Scholarship Concert would be a shooting star moment. You would have to be in the house to catch it. He wasn't lying. I just witnessed one of the musical highlight moments of my life. Some of the top musical talents, including a Hall of Fame crew of drummers, came together to perform in memory of John's daughter Jia and to raise money for a female musician scholarship at prestigious Berklee College of Music.

Gi Dussault, co-host of the "Upper Room" radio show, and I drove up from Connecticut and enjoyed a few hours walking through a misty Boston evening. We parked at the Prudential Center and walked through the mall to get the main street. Boston is a college town and you can feel the artistic and youthful feel near the Berklee campus. Overall, Boston is a friendly city compared to most. One sad aspect was the amount of people begging for money on just about every street corner. Tugs at your heartstrings.

On to the Berklee Performance Center...We arrived in line at 7pm and waited about 45 minuted to be let in the venue. While in line, I heard a Berklee student say that the balcony was the best place to see and hear a show. So, we that is where we sat and were not disappointed at this genereal admission show. Great sightlines and the sound was excellent. The venue has an older feel to it. Great acoustics for a concert but the seats were right on top of each other with little leg room. But as Gi said, the concert was so incredible you forgot about your legs going numb.

John Blackwell Sr, was seen in the balcony surveying the stage downstairs. You could sense that this was going to be a special night. Just before the concert, we said hello to Boston music celebs Thaddeus Hogarth and members of Michigan Blacksnake. The house lights dimmed...

Musical director Jetro Da Silva began playing a moving piano piece, "Prelude for Jia" as a photo slide montage of Jia was displayed on a backdrop onstage. As the slideshow continued, Kamaria Ousley sang beautifully on the song "A Place In My Heart". The photo montage showed the life and beauty of Jia Blackwell. You could see the tremendous bond and love between Jia and her parents Joann and John Blackwell. Some touching pictures were of John returning to the stage in New Orleans with Prince and the NPG.

Next up, drummer and jazz music educator, Dom Famularo performed an impressive solo. After finishing, Dom who was the emcee for the night, began to address the sold-out crowd about the upcoming concert and the meaning of the scholarship. He welcomed John Blackwell to the mic who was holding his son Jaiven. John said he didn't prepare a speech and was going to speak from the heart. John spoke of he and his wife's love for Jia, the tough struggles since her journey to God, and his sincere thanks to the audience, his fellow musicians, Berklee and family. Funny moments included Javien taking the mic a few times and saying a few words. There is another Blackwell star in the future. :-))

One thing which impressed me and was very cool to see was the reaction of the Berklee crowd to the musicians. Many students and professors were in attendance and they applauded and oohed and aahed at some of the finer points of the musicianship onstage that you normally wouldn't see in a general concert. It was a music lesson for me as well.

So many highlights to mention but here are a few: sixteen year-old female drummer Aisha (name maybe incorrect) who tore up the drumset and was dressed stylishly. She is a standout at the Saturday Berklee jam sessions. Trombonist Greg Boyer of P-Funk, Prince and the NPG, and Maceo Parker fame who played some amazing solos during Maceo Parker's "Uptown Up" . During this song, Mike Scott of Prince and the NPG, matched him with some great guitar playing. Funky!!!!!.

A surprise performer was Mike Mangini who just flew in from Japan. He shined with a double foot pedal drum display. Terri Lyne Carrington and Kim Thompson amazed us with a drum duo set. Great to see female musicians go to town like this. Drummer Marcus Williams who used to give John Blackwell drum lessons played an amazing set. He later supported his mom, Candi Staton, on a tender song, "It's Gonna Be Alright".

Dom Famularo kept the audience laughing with anecdotes such as John Blackwell attending a drum clinic in South Carolina that John was giving. John was only 14 years old and he was with his dad. John told Dom that he really loved to play drums and Dom encouraged John to keep pursuing his musical craft. The next night at a drum clinic in Atlanta, Georgia, John Blackwell was there to the amazement of Dom who told John that he was going to be giving the next clinic in Germany and was wondering if John was going to fly there. Lots of laughs.

Up next, the phenomenal Dennis Chambers who was just giving an honorary doctorate by Berklee. Chambers drum solo was outstanding. Chambers was the godfather of Jia. His drum solo was pure goosebump moments and when he finished and jumped off the backstage, you knew that he knew that he nailed it. Another legendary drummer Vinnie Colauita took up seat at the drumset and played an amazing fusion of sounds. From the pre-show conversations with Berklee students, they were really looking forward to seeing Colaiuta and I am sure they were not disappointed.

The finale of the show began with John Blackwell performing "Butteryfly". John was dressed with his trademark black hat that had a butterfly on it. Blackwell was playing a custom-designed drumset that was designed with pictured of Jia, doves and other imaged on it. He tapped the cymbal several times with his hands as if to touch his daughter Jia. Very moving. John's playing was incredible and showcased his jazz, latin, and funk flavors. The drumstick twirls wowed the audience as did his quieter, intricate touches.

At the end, all the drummers came back onstage for a ultimate drummer sendoff. Each one took their turn to solo. After finishing the jam, the musicians hugged and John Blackwell stepped to the microphone. He thanked his wife Joann, his family, Berklee, Sabian drum supplies, the fans, Prince, the NPG, all the great musicians, and God and the Bible. And a big thank you to his daughter Jia who allowed this night to happen and female musicians will now have the opportunity to receive a scholarship at Berklee to reach their musical goals.

Donations were accepted in the lobby and Berklee was going to match all donations. Sabian also donated $ 5,000. For more info on the scholarhsip, please go to

Thanks to Jia, Joann, John, Javien and all who participated in this great night. Hopefully, it will be an annual concert and we will continue to show our support on the radio side for you.

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Ms Admynamite
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Messagepar Funkygirl » 14/12/04 15:44

Thanks to have share this with us :cool: Lucky you... :wink:
Funkygirl ==> I'm a White Free Passionated Funkateer and I'm Proud !

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Messagepar JoeKelley » 02/02/05 23:22

Power trio extraordinaire comin' your way.

Drums: John Blackwell
Guitar: Jean-Paul Bourrelly
Bass: TM Stevens

Should be some amazing shows.
"Upper Room with Joe Kelley and Gi Dussault"
Radio and TV show

LIVE Mondays 4-8 pm EST
WVOF 88.5 FM in Fairfield, CT

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Messagepar JoeKelley » 02/02/05 23:25

Here are the dates from

06.02. BERLIN(D) Tränenpalast
07.02. ERFURT(D) Gewerkschaftshaus
08.02. HALLE(D) Objekt 5
09.02. DRESDEN(D) Tante Ju
10.12. LEIPZIG(D) Spizz
11.02. AMSTERDAM(NL) Paradiso
12.02. ZOETERMEER(NL) Boerderij
13.02. HELMOND(NL) Plato
14.02. OFF
15.02. INGOLSTADT(D) Diagonale
16.02. FREIBURG(D) Jazzhaus
17.02. OFF
18.02. NEREC(F) Festival
19.02. OFF
20.02. tba
21.02. tba
22.02. WINTERTHUR(CH) Salzhaus
23.02. LUZERN(CH) Abc-Mixx
24.02. tba
25.02. AARAU(CH) Kiff
26.02. WIEN(A) Porgy
27.02. INNSBRUCK(A) Treibhaus
28.02. GRAZ(A) Orpheum tbc
01.03. MARIBOR(SLO) Theatre
02.03. ITALY tbc
03.03. ITALY tbc
04.03. ITALY tbc
05.03. end of tour
"Upper Room with Joe Kelley and Gi Dussault"

Radio and TV show

LIVE Mondays 4-8 pm EST

WVOF 88.5 FM in Fairfield, CT

Creativity in Music

Promotion for Musical Artists

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Wonder B
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Messagepar Wonder B » 03/02/05 00:48

Ouais TM had sent me the dates a while ago but unfortunately the only French date is far far away from us...

Too bad because I also know JP Bourelly...

I'll never understand why TM is so popular across the border (Germany) and not in France... he never plays in Paris except for the one time back when there was a promotion for the 'Body Bag' single... since then... zilch....
Wonder B
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Messagepar Invité » 04/02/05 15:52

>I'll never understand why TM is so popular across the border (Germany) >and not in France

Well, maybe because the French can't funk :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:

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Wonder B
Bibliothèque Nationale
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Messagepar Wonder B » 04/02/05 16:29

Anonymous a écrit :>I'll never understand why TM is so popular across the border (Germany) >and not in France

Well, maybe because the French can't funk :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:

Well I'll take you on if you want.... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Come to my place and see for yourself... :lol:
Wonder B

Sworn to fun

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Messagepar Invité » 04/02/05 21:50

I don't trust you, I don't want to be kidnapped and spend days between your ZZ-top, KISS and Paula Abdul records
:grin: :grin: :grin: :lol: :grin:

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Wonder B
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Messagepar Wonder B » 04/02/05 22:02

You got that right.... I am a Paula ABdul specialist. I like what she does on American Idol.... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Wonder B

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Ms Admynamite
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Messagepar Funkygirl » 06/03/05 12:42

TM STEVENS has now 2 dates in the South of France


:arrow: 04-05-05 - TM STEVENS à Nice (06)

:arrow: 04-06-05 - TM STEVENS à Toulon (83)
OMEGA LIVE à 21h00
16€ -


Check out the tour dates in Europe here :
Funkygirl ==> I'm a White Free Passionated Funkateer and I'm Proud !

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Wonder B
Bibliothèque Nationale
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Messagepar Wonder B » 08/03/05 08:55


We've been forgotten in the north........... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Wonder B

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Ms Admynamite
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Messagepar Funkygirl » 04/04/05 11:03

Someone is going to see the concert in Nice or Toulon :?: :cool:
Funkygirl ==> I'm a White Free Passionated Funkateer and I'm Proud !

Funkhome - The Funk & Groovy musics Forum
"Funkhome-Le forum de référence, souvent copié, jamais égalé" :cool: Jam & Lewis

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Ms Admynamite
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Messagepar Funkygirl » 06/04/05 09:52

Check out the photos and the review of TM Stevens and Shocka Zooloo @
Brighton Bar - Long Branch, New Jersey (4/1/05)......go to the link below:


-Dr. Brookenstein

and see some videos here :shock: :wink:
Funkygirl ==> I'm a White Free Passionated Funkateer and I'm Proud !

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Messagepar Mr Gr0ove » 13/04/05 21:49

Anonymous a écrit :I don't trust you, I don't want to be kidnapped and spend days between your ZZ-top, KISS and Paula Abdul records
:grin: :grin: :grin: :lol: :grin:

And he sure got a nice bunch of LPs... :lol: :lol: :lol:
Image Charlie, tu m'occis ! Legalize It !

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JOHN BLACKWELL Project Interview on Upper Room 4.18

Messagepar JoeKelley » 17/04/05 14:40

Event: JOHN BLACKWELL PROJECT Interview and Music Special
Place: "Upper Room with Joe Kelley & Gi Dussault" radio show
Date/Time: Monday April 18th 4pm-8pm NYC Time
Listen: WVOF 88.5 FM in Fairfield, Connecticut

World-renowned drummer JOHN BLACKWELL stops by the "Upper Room with Joe Kelley & Gi Dussault" radio show to discuss the JOHN BLACKWELL PROJECT and world premiere studio tracks which feature himself, hip-hop artist Charlie Marks and vocalist Donna. John Blackwell has led a distinguished musical career as the drummer for Prince and the NPG, Cameo, Patti LaBelle and many others. In December, he hosted a scholarship benefit concert at the Berklee College of Music in memory of his daugher JIA. This concert attracted some of the best musicians in the world including Dennis Chambers, Vinnie Caliutta, Wallace Roney, Mike Scott, and Terri Lynn Carrington.

Blackwell recently finished a European tour with Jean-Paul Bourrelly and T.M. Stevens. In June, John Blackwell will tour with Candy Dulfer in Japan. For all the latest John Blackwell info, please go to

The "Upper Room with Joe Kelley and Gi Dussault" radio show has been on the air since 1982. The program is featured on radio, internet and television. Besides its live Monday WVOF broadcast, the show can be heard 24/7 online at Rock and Roll Hall of Famer PRINCE featured the "Upper Room" on his official web site This was the first radio show to receive this honor.

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Ms Admynamite
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Messagepar Funkygirl » 19/04/05 12:22

So Joe can U resume a little the interview :?: :wink:
Funkygirl ==> I'm a White Free Passionated Funkateer and I'm Proud !

Funkhome - The Funk & Groovy musics Forum
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Messagepar JoeKelley » 24/04/05 13:48

FunkyGirl, here it is in a nutshell.

John premiered a lot of new music on-air. Talked about his production work and also his new band John Blackwell and Matrix. He is really busy with drum clinics, doing the Japan dates with Candy Dulfer, and of course, Prince is just a phone call away.

we will reair in the next couple weeks. Thanks for the interest.
"Upper Room with Joe Kelley and Gi Dussault"

Radio and TV show

LIVE Mondays 4-8 pm EST

WVOF 88.5 FM in Fairfield, CT

Creativity in Music

Promotion for Musical Artists

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Enregistré le : 23/09/04 18:34
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Gamillah Review: JOHN BLACKWELL Drum Clinic in Montreal

Messagepar JoeKelley » 03/07/05 01:16

Check out Gamillah's review of John Blackwell's drum clinic in Montreal.
"Upper Room with Joe Kelley and Gi Dussault"

Radio and TV show

LIVE Mondays 4-8 pm EST

WVOF 88.5 FM in Fairfield, CT

Creativity in Music

Promotion for Musical Artists

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Messagepar Juslisen » 03/07/05 02:29

interesting reading... John Blackwell is a great drummer and a nice guy!
Thank you! :razz:
Press PLAY!


John Blackwell in montreal

Messagepar gamillah » 07/07/05 21:03

Bonjour Juslisen !
je suis Gamillah de Montreal, je voulais te remercier d avoir pris le temp de lire ma chronique sur John, et pour te remercier d avoir ecrit c est bon mots c est toujours apprecier de voir que les gens aimes se que l on ecrit .bonne journée et merci encore Gamillah.

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Ms Admynamite
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Messagepar Funkygirl » 08/07/05 07:29

Hello Jean Yves aka Gamillah :cool:

Bienvenu sur ce forum... Il te reste plus qu'a valider ton inscription...

Quell chance tu as de rencontrer The Time, John Blackwell etc :wink: C'est le second effet "the upper room" :lol:

Tourlou et à bientôt (avec l'accent Français et non celui du Quebéc :wink:)
Funkygirl ==> I'm a White Free Passionated Funkateer and I'm Proud !

Funkhome - The Funk & Groovy musics Forum
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Messagepar JoeKelley » 27/07/05 16:18

Juslisen a écrit :interesting reading... John Blackwell is a great drummer and a nice guy!
Thank you! :razz:

You're welcome Juslisen.

John Blackwell will also be our live guest this Sunday July 31st 7pm-12mid (NYC Time) as we have our monthly Prince/MPLS show at During the show, Gi Dussault and myself are in Prince's official web site chat room at

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