This Space is primary for the Foreign People : Talk here with us in English cause "One Nation Under a Groove..." :o)
Messages : 35
Enregistré le : 26/10/04 17:45
Localisation : Cannes/France


Messagepar funkaddict » 25/02/05 20:35

hi there funkateers -
found very interesting news on - a documentary about the life and work of our funky bro bernie.
This documentary film is featuring beside of Bernie:
Bootsy, George, Bill Laswell, Will Calhoun, Les Claypool, David Byrne, Prince Paul and others. A lot of informations about the film plus a trailer you can find here:
check it out, spread it out and KEEP DA FUNK ALIVE (^.°)


Messagepar Invité » 09/03/05 11:49

Had a chance to see the documentary movie about Bernie. Very good and very moving.

If you have a chance to see it, do so! Request that your cultural TV stations and movie theatres show this documentary. It may be one of the most important Funk documents.....

Messages : 35
Enregistré le : 26/10/04 17:45
Localisation : Cannes/France

Messagepar funkaddict » 12/03/05 23:23

Anonymous a écrit :Had a chance to see the documentary movie about Bernie. Very good and very moving.

If you have a chance to see it, do so! Request that your cultural TV stations and movie theatres show this documentary. It may be one of the most important Funk documents.....

absolutely; i was a bit surprised not to have had any reply en lieu of yours. but so be it - EVERYTHING IS ON THE ONE!
supergroovalisticprosifunkstacationally (^.°)

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Ms Admynamite
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Messagepar Funkygirl » 13/03/05 09:27

Anonymous a écrit :Request that your cultural TV stations and movie theatres show this documentary.

Not sure it will be programmed in France on movie theaters... anyway we can had an advice when we'll be able to watch it... :wink:
Funkygirl ==> I'm a White Free Passionated Funkateer and I'm Proud !

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