David SANBORN - Great show

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Gi Dussault
Messages : 34
Enregistré le : 17/09/04 21:39
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David SANBORN - Great show

Messagepar Gi Dussault » 16/10/04 14:41

David Sanborn was in Connecticut last night. What a great show. His music is a mix of funk and jazz. His musicians are phenomenal and one of them is Rickie Peterson a really great keyboardist. He is also the music director of David Sanborn.

Rickie Peterson has work with a lot of great artits and he is also St. Paul Peterson's brother. He is from Minneapolis MN and we should have him on our radio show for the Minneapolis Special in March 2005. Don't miss it, it should be an interesting interview.


Davis Sanborn is an outstanding saxophonist.

If you have the opportunity to have David Sanborn in your area, go for it, you will not be disappointed. I really enjoyed the show.

Gi Dussault
Messages : 34
Enregistré le : 17/09/04 21:39
Localisation : U.S.A.
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Messagepar Gi Dussault » 16/10/04 14:44

Oooppss Sorry for the mistake, we should read DAVID SANBORN

Sorry sorry!! :oops:

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Ms Admynamite
Messages : 29479
Enregistré le : 27/08/04 19:19
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Messagepar Funkygirl » 16/10/04 15:30

Gi Dussault a écrit :Oooppss Sorry for the mistake, we should read DAVID SANBORN

Sorry sorry!! :oops:

You can Edit your message Gi :lol: I'll do it for You...

Tourlou :wink:

I have some David Sanborn Cd's and saw him live a little at the North See Jazz Festival in 2002... It's pretty good to calm down :razz:
Funkygirl ==> I'm a White Free Passionated Funkateer and I'm Proud !

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