Bernie WORRELL Last informations...

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Bernie WORRELL Last informations...

Messagepar Invité » 20/09/04 19:29

Check out Bernie's website -- where you can now purchase "Bernie Bobbleheads" (these are a Limited Gold Edition of only 250 and they are going fast!!) and see (for the first time anywhere) the animated narrative of "Tales of the WOOniverse".

Bernie will start the "Colonel Claypool's Bucket of Bernie Brains" tour on Sept. 24th. You can see Bernie as part of "Mos Def & Black Jack Johnson" on the David Letterman show on Sept. 23rd.

au revoirs,


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Messagepar Funkygirl » 20/09/04 19:42

Hi Judie,

Nice to see you there... We were happy to see Bernie back with the P-Funk Mob at the Bataclan on July... :lol:

Thanks for the information : A lot of Bernie's fan here so we will go :wink:

Say Hi from Europe to the funky maestro :razz:
Funkygirl ==> I'm a White Free Passionated Funkateer and I'm Proud !

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Messagepar Peeeeeee » 20/09/04 19:43

J'avais recu aussi le mail de precommande de ce disque.

Il disait aussi first come first served avec 1500 unites pas plus.

Mais le moyen de paiement m'a vraiment rebute...
Rien ne sert de courir, non, ca ne sert a rien!

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Messagepar Funkygirl » 20/09/04 19:51

Peeeeeee Only English here :cool:

Thanks for our foreign visitors !!! :wink:
Funkygirl ==> I'm a White Free Passionated Funkateer and I'm Proud !

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Messagepar Peeeeeee » 20/09/04 20:08

i had not realised that I was on the English forum... sorry.

As I said, I received recently an E-mail from purple woo website telling that this album could be pre-ordered and that is was first come fisrt saved. It seems that there are only 1500 copies.

But I was frozen by the payment method which not allows us to have a good security.
Rien ne sert de courir, non, ca ne sert a rien!

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The Giant Foot
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Messagepar The Giant Foot » 22/09/04 00:56


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Messagepar Funkygirl » 22/09/04 08:23

Oh I love that !!! :razz:
Funkygirl ==> I'm a White Free Passionated Funkateer and I'm Proud !

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Messagepar The Giant Foot » 23/09/04 00:06

Do You like it ?


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Re: Bernie Worrell

Messagepar Funkygirl » 23/09/04 08:04

Anonymous a écrit :Bernie will start the "Colonel Claypool's Bucket of Bernie Brains" tour on Sept. 24th.

If you want to learn more about this band :


Also a review of the DC's Concert from Dr "G"

"I haven't bought Bucket of Brains yet but I met a dude at last night's Pfunk show in DC who told me about the new CD and told me that Bernie would be playing with Bucketheat & crew next weekend in LA. Dude is from LA and says he worked on Ricky Vincent's Funk book. He says he's tight with Vincent and went to school with him and interviiewed Bootsy and others for the Funk book. I can't think of his name but maybe Mr Vincent will know who I'm talking about. Light skin and drinks plenty of beer.

The show was awesome! I was talking to Garry before the show and he seemed in a great mood and ready to funk & roll. The boy is over 50 though and it's time to put on some goddamn pants! He rocked though as did Blackbyrd and Billy Bass. Hampton still seems a little out of it to me. His guitar was turned way down and once again my boy seemed to be phoning it in. I'm tough on Kidd Funk because he's always been my fav
guitarist every since Eddie Hazel died. George was in good spirits also. Higher than a GA pine, he came out with "to the window, to the walls, till the sweat drips down my balls" and the whole skeet skeet rap. He
wouldn't let it go. Hilarious shit. He was going a mile a minute. Reminded me of the days when we would smoke Angel Dust with him and he would go off. The crowd was majority black for the first time in years in the DC area. Black folks were out for Prince also.
Lige Curry was "on" also. He replaced Billy Bass on the rock tunes and cranked like butter. Couldn't see who was on drums but he was kickin. I was stage left and didn't have my usual stage center view. Bernie didn't come out until well over a hour had gone by. I knew he was in the house cause I saw his shit. Lookd like GC bought him and other band members brand new shit. New guitars, keyboards etc. Fucking amps stacked highb too. They weren't Marshalls. Some new shit that sounded great. The house was packed and everyone I talked to said the same thing. I wasn't
coming till I heard Bernie would be in the house. But when Bernie came out he didn't get the loud crazy welcome like he's been getting recently. But we loved him and he sounded so freash and so clean. GC's granddaughhter did her "Something stank" rap and my girl Kendra was bouncing to this. Not sure why but she didn't look as good as when I fell in love with her last year at the U of MD free show. Maybe because I
saw her next to Dawn Silva and remembered who the real queen was at the Woo show last year. No musical surprises. Usual suspect tunes. A lot of rock and I was loving it!

The best surprise was "Harder than steel and steal getting harder". Lige cranked that sheet along with Blackbyrd.

Funkygirl ==> I'm a White Free Passionated Funkateer and I'm Proud !

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Messagepar Funkygirl » 15/01/05 10:19

Bernie Worrell Update

Here is a press release giving an uptade for some of Bernie's recent (last year) and upcoming activities.
I thought a few of you might be interested....

Just finished “MoogFest” at B B Kings (NYC) as part of a documentary on Bob Moog. Some of the ther musicians were: Rick Wakeman, Keith Emerson, D J Logic, Eumir Deodato

The Bob Moog Documentary is to be released in early Fall.

1) Doing “spot gigs” with “George Clinton & The P-Funk All Stars” as “Special Guest: Bernie Worrell”

2) Bernie interviewed by BBC – to be released in England around August.

3) June 11- Bernie with Praxis -- Bonaroo Festival – Bill Laswell, Buckethead, Brain & Bernie)

4) June 12- Photo shoot for upcoming studio CD release of "Colonel Claypool's Bucket of Bernie Brains" – this CD is to be released in September with CCBBB doing a small tour starting in October.

5) June 25 and 26 -- GC&PFAS w/Special Guest "Bernie Worrell" -- Apollo Theater, NYC

6) European tour with GC&PFAS (featuring Bernie Worrell”) -- July 8th thru – 24th.

7) “Bernie Worrell & The WOO Warriors w/ Special Guest: George Clinton” – Jul 29 th – State Theater, Falls Church, VA

8) Bernie doing benefit for Tipitina’s Foundation in Asheville, NC.

9) A documentary (tw ears in the making) about Bernie’s life (being produced by a two-time Oscar nominated pr ducer) is being released in August/September, 2004

10) “Bernie Worrell & The WOO Warriors” studio CD to be released in August/September with a short tour to follow. In the meantime, BW&WW are doing sporadic gigs in between Bernie’s other work!!

11) The “WOOniverse Story ” will be on Bernie’s website within the next few months (possible children’s book too).

12) Bernie n the “David Letterman Show” on September 23 rd, as part of "The Moog All-Stars" doing a new song Bernie and Bootsy co-wrote (“When Bernie Speaks”) and the line-up will consist of:

Bernie Worrell: Moog synth
Bootsy Collins: Bass and Vocals
Mone Mark: Moog Synth
B b M g: Theremin
Charlie Clouser: 2nd Theremin
Hans Fjellestad: Moog synth
Bob Davis
Funkygirl ==> I'm a White Free Passionated Funkateer and I'm Proud !

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Messagepar Invité » 15/01/05 18:29

Ce sont de bonnes nouvelles non ?

"Colonel Claypool's Bucket of Bernie Brains"

Ce disque à l'air difficile à dégotter vous avez pas des plans ?


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Wonder B
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Messagepar Wonder B » 15/01/05 19:04

In english..... you've got to speak in english in this part of the forum! LOOOOOL
Wonder B
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Messagepar Funkygirl » 15/01/05 22:59

Yes I can't understand your question, can you repeat it :lol: :lol: :lol:
Funkygirl ==> I'm a White Free Passionated Funkateer and I'm Proud !

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Messagepar Funkygirl » 07/03/05 12:51

Concert Review: Bernie Worrell/W00 Warriors @ "The Moose" Doylestown, PA

by Bob Davis (Soul Patrol List...)

* G Man - Drums
* Scott Free - Guitar
* John Hickey
* Lady Bass - Bass
* Wizard of W00 - Keyboards

I have often made the comment that FUNKADELIC from the early 1970's was the very best Rock n'Roll band that I ever saw perform live. Of course when I say that, people who have never seen FUNKADELIC, yet associate that term with something other than what it was will give me a
strange look as if to say...

"Uhhhh Bob, didn't you mean to say FUNK instead of ROCK n" ROLL..."

If you are a person who falls into this category, then I would advise you to go and see Bernie Worrell & the W00 Warriors if they ever are within 150 miles of where you live.
You won't be sorry that you did.

Here is the set list....

* Stretchin Out
* Woo Together
* Gamin On Ya
* Super Stupid
* Red Hot Momma
* Funkytelechy
* Alice
* Undico Kid
* Cosmic Slop

(NOTE: One Nation Under A Groove, Take Your Dead Ass Home, Burnin Down The House were originally scheduled, but the set ran over and they never played these 3 songs)

The band stepped on to the stage (sans Bernie) and kicked things off with Scott Free (serving as emcee) announcing that they were about to stretch things out with the...


and that is EXACTLY what they did for about 8 min till Bernie came out, with our boy Scott Free "takin it to the stage" sounding like a combination of Bo Diddley and Eddie Hazel and prancing around the stage looking like "Chuck Berry from Mars".

....and then Bernie comes out!

The crowd knows just who the INSURANCE MAN OF THE FUNK is and is primed for him and Bernie doesn't disappoint them by urging everyone to "W00 TOGETHER" and they do, because you see this "lily white crowd", in the home of Philadelphia's far right wing conservative radio talk show
host (Michael Smirconitch) know what the deal is with Bernie.
(See what yall are missing, Black folks???)

Bernie has got the crowd in serious "W00 Mode" and then the band takes off with the FUNKADELIC classic "SUPER STUPID", where guitarists John Hickey and Scott Free turn the show in to ROCK SCHOOL 101. In the meantime I have been in the middle of the crowd dancing right along. Our
good friend "DR BROOKENSTIEN" (David Brooks) was on the other side of the floor dancing his be-hind off, wearing one of his trademark "purple on purple on purple" suit (with matching "star child glasses & rings").

Next up was a short interlude with some Hendrix riffs as an intro to "RED HOT MAMA". During the song drummer "G-Man" got off into some serious "Billy Cobham style territory" during his long solo that energized the crowd.

At this point I closed my notebook, stopped taking notes and just grooved with the rest of the show, which ended with a MONSTER version of COSMIC SLOP.

A couple of side notes...

* Guitarist John Hickey had got a great new solo CD that I have been listening to for the past couple of months

* The new documentary film about the life of Bernie Worrell has been showing at film festivals across the country and is gearing up for a theatrical release...

* I had an extended conversation with "Bernie's Management" (our good friend Judi :)) and she told me about a number of new projects that Bernie has in the queue. To stay updated, take a visit to Bernie's site and sign up to his mailing list.

Bernie Worrell is truly one of the greatest artists of his generation.
Funk Star, Rock Star, Soul Star....SUPER STAR.

Bernie Worrell is truly one of the greatest artists of our time.
I've known him for quite a while and of course he was one of the very first artists that we ever delta with on Soul-Patrol. He has been a believer and a supporter of ours for many years.
One of the things I mentioned to Judi was that over the past 10 years or so since we did our very first artist chat session online with Bernie that his profile has expanded greatly.

Back then I couldn't just say "Bernie Worrell".
I always had to say....

"Bernie Worrell....Classically Trained Keyboard Wizard of Parliment-Funkadelic, Talking Heads, Pretenders, Ray Charles, David Letterman show, etc...."

Now I can just say...
"Bernie Worrell"

(and people know who I'm talking about...)

Bob Davis
Funkygirl ==> I'm a White Free Passionated Funkateer and I'm Proud !

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Messagepar Funkygirl » 08/03/05 12:07

Review (and picture) of Bernie Worrell & The WOO Warriors @ The Moose - Doylestown, PA 3/4/05
Funkygirl ==> I'm a White Free Passionated Funkateer and I'm Proud !

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Messagepar JoeKelley » 09/03/05 01:48

Wow, thanks FunkyGirl, Bob Davis and Dr. Brookenstein.

Awesome show it must have been. Bernie is amazing and a kind soul. I will always treasure the time when Bernie visited the "Upper Room" and WVOF back in 1999. He brought his keyboards and played them on the show. Chris Frantz and Tina Weymouth of the Tom Tom Club stopped by to surprise him.

"Upper Room with Joe Kelley and Gi Dussault"
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WVOF 88.5 FM in Fairfield, CT

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nico k
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Messagepar nico k » 09/03/05 14:35

Bernie will start the "Colonel Claypool's Bucket of Bernie Brains" tour on Sept. 24th. You can see Bernie as part of "Mos Def & Black Jack Johnson" on the David Letterman show on Sept. 23rd

a short track of this band "live" is available on the dvd "Live from Bonnaroo - Music festival 2002":

nico k
"We've been accused of being retro, using old-fashioned instruments, but we're doing it in quite an aggressive modern way. Jimmy Smith and those other artists don't play the way we play. We try to rip it up and really go for it, as in a bunch of geezers who listened to the Sex Pistols when they were growing up, rather than ... I dunno what!"

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Messagepar Funkygirl » 11/04/05 17:06

"I just wanted to point out that there are four shows by Bernie Worrell and the WOO Warriors available for download at

What may be of particular interest here is that the show from "The Moose" in Doylestown, PA that Bob Davis and David Brooks reviewed was recently added: ... p?id=23725

Mike Theiss (Soul Patrol List)"
Funkygirl ==> I'm a White Free Passionated Funkateer and I'm Proud !

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Messagepar Mé-maide » 11/04/05 18:37

:grin: Can i thank you for that ! Thanx! FG you save my day ! P U :cool:

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God Made Me Funky
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Messagepar God Made Me Funky » 16/08/05 00:53

I used to feel that Flashlight was one of the strongest moments of Mr Bernie Worrell on daKeyboards, but when I recently heard Fuzzy Haskins theme «Gettin' It Off» from this Comp :shock: Maaaaaaama mia

ImageHow about the solo at the end of Dr Funkenstein!? :shock: :shock: :shock: amaaaazing!
Johnny Be Good aka Funkula aka Boogie Man

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