WEAPON OF CHOICE in france this month

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Enregistré le : 26/10/04 17:45
Localisation : Cannes/France

WEAPON OF CHOICE in france this month

Messagepar funkaddict » 03/05/05 19:53

just found this info to share with all you funkateers and rubberfans:
so this summer the funk is coming to france at full force
lookin' forward to it is gunter (^.°)

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Ms Admynamite
Messages : 29479
Enregistré le : 27/08/04 19:19
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Messagepar Funkygirl » 04/05/05 00:02

Some of us saw them tonight in Paris :cool: Great Concert :lol:

Reviews soon (certainly) here http://funkhome.nuxit.net/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=1296
Funkygirl ==> I'm a White Free Passionated Funkateer and I'm Proud !

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"Funkhome-Le forum de référence, souvent copié, jamais égalé" :cool: Jam & Lewis

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